
Altar Of Flies - Auditory Hallucinations (cs)
$12.00 CAD
/ Sold out

Aversions - Sharp Left Turn (cs)
$8.00 CAD

An Inncocent Young Throat-Cutter - L'arma, L'ora, Il Movente (cs)
$12.00 CAD

Augurio Drama - The Noise Box (cs)
$8.00 CAD

Berserk/Thiula split (cs)
$9.00 CAD

Breathe Heavy - Hypothermia (cs)
$10.00 CAD

Daniel Ditlevson - Impression Send (cs)
$13.00 CAD

Emiliano Zappacosta - Morte Su Marte (cs)
$9.00 CAD

Gam Zuei/Gen 26 split - Resonance (cs)
$9.00 CAD

Freedom Canyon - Un Cuerpo, Un Portal, Un Retorno (cs)
$9.00 CAD

Godcage - Part X: Perils Of Power (cs)
$7.00 CAD

ICD-10 - Diagnostic Gospels (cs)
$9.00 CAD

Jay Randall/Scum split - Nails Into The Skull (cs)
$6.00 CAD

Kush Tome - Episode 1 (cs)
$9.00 CAD

Madrelarva - Una Cura Prodigiosa
$9.00 CAD

Michael Berdan – The Life Of The World To Come (cs)
$8.00 CAD

Mongrel Tactics - Häkki (cs)
$9.00 CAD

McKain/Murray/Suarez/Weeks - The Running Of The Bulls (cs)
$9.00 CAD

No Nation - Dodgy Days (cs)
$10.00 CAD

Obscure Heaven - A Flower Sprouting Through The Concrete (cs)
$11.00 CAD

Pattern Injuries - Dross (cs)
$8.00 CAD

PGR/Fecalove split - Pandemonium (cs)
$9.00 CAD
/ Sold out

PMNT/Chia Chun Xu split (cs)
$8.00 CAD

Praying For Oblivion - Doppelgänger (cs)
$7.00 CAD

Psyberlama - Fó Siào Cié Luó (cs)
$8.00 CAD

Puddle Man - The Frozen Angle (cs)
$8.00 CAD

Puddle Man - The Molten Angle (cs)
$8.00 CAD

Sharpwaist - Squalor (cs)
$8.00 CAD

Sissy Spacek - Billions and Billions (cs)
$9.00 CAD

Scathing - s/t (cs)
$9.00 CAD

Scathing - Strawman Rising (cs)
$11.00 CAD

Skeletonized - Defleshed (cs)
$8.00 CAD

Skeletonized - s/t (cs)
$10.00 CAD

Thistle - Teleopsia (cs)
$9.00 CAD

Tzu Ni/Erduodongzai - Volumetric Fog (cs)
$9.00 CAD

Twig Harper - Classical Electronics (cs)
$11.00 CAD

Vivian - Abduction Plot (cs)
$9.00 CAD

Y3y3y3y3y3y3y3y3y3y3 - y3y3y3y3y3y3y3y3y3y3 (cs)
$9.00 CAD

V/A - Bitch Tapes 2017
$666.00 CAD

V/a - Isolation by Tolkewitz (cs)
$10.00 CAD

v/a - Tapeworks Vol. II by Hästen & Korset (cs)
$10.00 CAD
/ Sold out

V/a - Tribe Tapes Vol. 4 Improvised Combat (cs)
$10.00 CAD

Altar Of Flies - Signaler (CD)
$13.00 CAD

Maussade - À La Néantisation De La Vie Par L'Homme Rationnel (Chapitre Premier) (CD)
$8.00 CAD

Sissy Spacek - Expanding Antiverse (CD)
$16.00 CAD

Sissy Spacek - Featureless Thermal Equilibrium (CD)
$12.00 CAD
/ Sold out

Sissy Spacek - Harm 2 (CD)
$13.00 CAD

Sissy Spacek - Wreck (CD)
$12.00 CAD

Sissy Spacek - Prismatic Parameter (CD)
$16.00 CAD
/ Sold out

Skeletonized/Un Festin Sagital split (CD-R)
$10.00 CAD

RXAXPXE - Of My Own Free Will (CD)
$12.00 CAD

How Things Are Made w/ Skeletonized - How Skeletonized Is Made (CD)
$15.00 CAD

The Vomit Arsonist - Go Without (CD)
$13.00 CAD

Altar Of Flies - Bortom Reven (12")
$28.00 CAD

Altar of Flies - Cenotaph (7”)
$18.00 CAD
/ Sold out

God Is War - World Music Vol. 1 (12")
$24.00 CAD

Sissy Spacek - Trash Staging (12")
$20.00 CAD

Sissy Spacek - Lead Their Exit (7")
$7.00 CAD