Extreme music label & distro located in Vancouver, BC

Anna Högberg Attack - Lena

$15.00 CAD

"Attacking the now. The instant. The music. Attacking your image of what. Is. Music. Attacking the past. The history. What is now. Attack is all. Don’t hold back. Ever. Curiousness and initiative is all. And attack. The attack mode. 6 Swedes attacking it all with a front of 3 sax players not holding back.

Attacking the mystery of it all. 6 defined personalities and creative voices with feet and minds in jazz, improvised music and related experimental matters.
Togetherness. A real unit of creativity. Of poetic beauty.

Anna Högberg as a modern free jazz standard bearer keeping it all together – her rich alto sax leading the ensemble into layers of high octane outbursts and sensational melodic variations. Her tone being able to cut landscapes open, to melt your brain as we know it. Check the two tenor sax axes out! Elin Forkelid Larsson and Malin Wättring knows how to attack matters – how to structure solos and ensemble work with intense warmth and melodic beauty. Seldom have I heard such warm and rich sounding tenors in Scandinavia. The time is here. The attack attack! Drummer Anna Lund punctuating the flow… attacking it all. Laying fundaments of possibilities for the others. The attack attack! Pianist Lisa Ullén adding her thorny, but detailed phrases to the picture. The picture of the attack attack. And last but not least. The attack attack of deep sounding bass maestro Elsa Bergman. With an unusual imagination of how to position her own language and bass lines into a collective of attacking free jazz. Freeing the jazz. Attacking the jazz.
The attack attack!"
