Extreme music label & distro located in Vancouver, BC

Slime Street - Seance

$12.00 CAD

"After a decade of floating in purgatory, Slime Street's magnum opus, Séance, emerges in the form of a full length cassette on Disaster Sources, coinciding with the duo's reunion at the Initial Shock noise festival in Montreal. Slime Street was born in the year 2010 when Dallas Kruszelnicki met Jon Vaughn upon relocating to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan from Brighton, England. The two immediately bonded over their love of psychotronic horror films, 4-tracks, blazing up, and counter-cultural music scenes, and began conjuring spine tingling, sludge infested, supernaturally psychotic soundscapes. Séance is a phantasmagorical snapshot of Slime Street at the height of their powers, created four years into their practice. Included in this definitive release are also live performances from the same era and the legendary lost gem, Slime Electronics."
